We always spend a lot of time doing the design of a dashboard and after implementing this in Tableau. It is hard to adapt the design to your data and make sure it is looking nice.
The Business Dashboard Builder are in fact a 9 dashboards with different pre-defined designs and the use of multiple charts.
This is the landing page (link as well).
After select a specific design the user is redirected to the actual dashboard.

The dashboard will the the preferences menu opened so they could start customizing the design.
Change the dashboard Title and each chart Title. This will be preserved once the user change the design;
CLEAN - user can clean all the chart to have it empty as initially;
POPULATE - auto-populate charts so it would be easier than manually;
Once the chart are populated the user may click the "chart" icon and a pop-up menu with many chart types will appear and can be selected.

In the end this is a Tableau Dashboard and everyone could download it, remove un-used dashboards/charts and add its own data and build it's own charts based on the design (the charts will be the same).
Happy vizzing.